Friday, May 8, 2009

Enter the Toddler

So today my toddler and infant napped simultaneously for two hours! Anyone with more than one kid knows that this is a miracle from God. With these two hours I was able to finally eat and drink something today, clean, do laundry, make my bed with new sheets (I never make the bed routinely; the pollen is killing me at night!), watch HGTV, and Skype my friend Louisa in England. This was the highlight of my day.

It's funny... When Eric was first born I remember thinking 'Oh My God, how in the world am I going to manage this?! It's so hard! I have no free time!' Now I have two, and I think, 'What the hell was I complaining about?!'

Babies sleep all the time! I could sleep when Eric slept, watch t.v. while I nursed, go to the store while he was obliviously asleep. Life gets incredibly more difficult when an opinionated toddler enters the picture. I now awake to Eric screeching at the top of his lungs as my wonderful husband feeds him breakfast downstairs (assuming Rachel hasn't woken me up first). I now have to chase Eric away from the dishwasher that he can not only open and start but can also climb inside (his new trick). I have to watch my reaction to every thing Eric does to piss me off because if I act shocked or upset, he will undoubtedly continue and escalate the behavior.

I try every day to concentrate on the good qualities about my son and not the craziness. He is a great sleeper. He is (mostly) gentle and good to his baby sister. He has a great sense of humor. I want to cherish these times and remember the good things about his toddler years. I remind myself that all too soon he'll be going to school, and these times will be gone.


Anonymous said...

Yay for simultaneous napping! I'm glad you're trying to see the positives...that's a huge thing at this point in your life with a toddler and a newborn, so you are doing great!!!

PG said...

"With these two hours I was able to finally eat and drink something today, clean, do laundry, make my bed with new sheets (I never make the bed routinely; the pollen is killing me at night!), watch HGTV, and Skype my friend Louisa in England."

Wow, do I feel lazy. Even with my job I have at least two free hours every night, and I only get around to my equivalents of HGTV and Skyping a friend. I think I finally get what women are talking about when they say they learned how to maximize productivity while they were purportedly not "working" moms.