Saturday, October 24, 2009

American... boy?

Had to share this.

Last week we received a copy of American Girl magazine in the mail. For those who aren't familiar, American Girl is a collection of historical dolls with story books. You can get a doll customized also. I saw the magazine and got slightly irritated 'How do they know we have a little girl?? Aren't they hooking them a little young?'

Then I saw who the magazine was addressed to- my father-in-law! That cracked me up. I called my mother-in-law and we had a good laugh. She wanted to see the magazine, so I put it on the kitchen table to save it.

The next morning, Eric was eating his oatmeal and I saw this...
He was casually browsing through the magazine while eating breakfast.

American Girl must know my family better than I do!


Anonymous said...

It's about time they make an American Boy doll! But they are expensive...

Jen said...

Too bad Eric's only interested in the female dolls...

Should I worry about his sexuality? ;->

Annie said...

What a precious photo!

And I have a little girl and don't get it. That's just as well - I couldn't afford any more doll clothes!